Wednesday, February 20, 2013

First Post!

Hey everyone!

This is more for me--to hold myself accountable--but you're welcome to follow along while I work on getting healthy.

You all know by now that we've gotten engaged, so I feel like it's really time to buckle down and get serious about getting fit and eating better.

This year, Target started out the year with an organization and getting fit theme in its seasonal section, so that's been a nice little boon by itself.  I've bought a bunch of large sized healthy snacks--like Special K bars and plain popcorn--to keep at work to help keep from  munching.  Our work is notoriously food fixated and prone to an excessive amount of snacking--candies, baked goods, McDonalds runs, you name it!  Add to that the fact that my school schedule puts my meals all out of whack and it's easy to see how my food intake gets really weird.

So instead I have a good supply of granola bars and such things in the car and at work.  I'm starting my Couch to 5K app this week (I'm on day 2, haha!) and will try to start incorporating what I learned at my personal training sessions next week.

Mostly I'll be doing easy posts about working out and tracking my food, but I'll be sure to post up recipes when I cook anything!

If you're curious about recipes in general, I'll link you to my old blog where I used to post up recipes.  You can find that here.  I'll also link it in the sidebar.

Wish me luck! <3

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