Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Few Days

Bruno *says* I'm doing well teaching him about swimming.  I'm a little skeptical.  We're kind of putting the whole awkward floating thing on the back burner for now and working on his kick, instead.  Being the slacker I am (I was busy, but I should have made time for it), I did not do the Week 2-Day 2 run today.  I'll have to make sure I do it tomorrow, even if it's after work.

There isn't a new post in Recipes this week, but I well be adding some minor wedding stuff once I'm done with this post, so go check out Wedding Spot.

Annnnnnd, since this is more to hold me responsible for completing my food log, here's the last couple days--though I'm sure it's completely uninteresting to you.

BTW I was sweating like super crazy after I did the Week 2 Day 1 run.  It's only an extra half-minute of running for each of the four cycles of  run+walk, but I was crazy overheated.  I was breathing fine and didn't feel like it was too hard, but I caught my reflection  (WHY MUST THERE BE MIRRORS EVERYWHERE IN THE GYM? I'M GETTING A WEIRD HABIT OF STARING MYSELF DOWN WHILE I RUN) and let's just say "hot mess" would not have been an understatement.

On the other hand, I also did that run after work (19:30ish) and so the gym was packed.  They guy doing some sort of actual interval workout on the treadmill next to me didn't have headphones and kept looking around.  And, I'm assuming because I looked like a winded walrus, he kept checking my screen to see what I was doing and seemed very proud of me every time I did the sprint section...he would do this half-nod of approval before pretending not to be looking at me again.  It was actually very encouraging.  Anyways:







And, before you even say it....I didn't eat breakfast today (Wednesday), because it was my day off and so I didn't have to get up until it was time for my 11:30 class, so I had brunch-ish kind of timed lunch.  Simmer down.  That's also why a turkey burger is listed as a "snack" lol.

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