Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 2.

I may or may not already be dying from this workout. Last time I did this I got two weeks in and hurt my back, presumably from bad posture as I went through the workouts. I have been very carefully NOT just pushing as hard as possible (sorry Shaun T!) but trying to remain conscious of my back's positioning and not slouching my shoulders. I still hurt like crazy, but the really big pain I had last time has not yet surfaced.  Hurray! 

Also, Edd had not done his workout (tsktsk) and was planning to do it at night, I think. He still hasn't posted the required photographic proof for Nancy and myself to view.  Though he did post a pretty funny meme (one does not simply...).  I replied in kind with this from someecards:

Monday, June 17, 2013

Insanity Day One

Day One of Insanity!!!  I'm super super sore and that was just from a fit test!  Ooh my.

Here are my fit test results...don't laugh.  Okay, you can laugh.  LOL😂.

I don't have the chart right now, so I just wrote down the exercise as best I could...I'll come back later to write down their proper names.

46 Switchkicks
31 Power Jacks
58 Power Knees
17 Power Jumps
6 Globe Jumps
7 Suicide Jumps
12 Push-up Jacks (I'm not even able to do the real exercise on this one...pushup jacks...let alone the coordination)
15 Low Plank Oblique (one per side=1)

I'll check up and see how Edd did on his test, too.  :D

Sunday, June 16, 2013

I'm Back!

So sorry.  Work and school got a liiiiiiittle bit out of control, what with a promotion and then training and arguing about whether I was getting my AA when I transferred and why I need to take an English placement test for SJSU when I'm transferring in as an English major, for which I've already taken multiple major courses...

But anyways.  We'll never speak of this giant absence again.  Or at least we'll try not to.

Per my promise to Edd--that's one of my coworkers--I (we?) are re-starting our Insanity workouts.  Those of you who are unaware, Insanity is produced by the same company as P90X.  But, rather than 90 days, as the name implies, Insanity is only a 60 day program.  Also, it's more cardio work, rather than strength training.  I'll provide the link at the end.

Basically, there are a bunch of work-out DVDs, a calendar, a meal plan (which I don't follow...sorry, but way too much fish and shakes-for-meals), and, if you catch the deal at the right time, either a bonus set of DVDs with a compressed set of workouts or a really big sample jar of the shakemix from the company.  In theory I have the compressed workouts (about 15-20 min rather than the general 30-45 min)...in reality I have no idea where they are.  But the main set is on hand.  Just maybe not the calendar.   I'll find the calendar before tomorrow morning.  Before Tuesday morning for sure, or I won't be able to know which DVD I'm supposed to be on (the first workout is obvious, since it's the "Fit Test").  I don't know if any of you have tried the workouts from this brand before, but they--I believe--almost all have the same trainer, Shaun T.  This guy is maddeningly earnest.  It might sound ridiculous, but when he tells you to do something, you do it.  No joke, I honestly feel bad when I'm not able to push harder because that man stares into the camera and says he believes in you, you can do it, and I'm like...  OKAY.  I'LL TRY FOR YOU!    It's a little uncanny.  You should definitely look into this.  Or at least youtube it or something.  It's pretty funny.

We went sailing for Father's Day with Bruno's family (my dad is still in China...HI PADRE!), so I'm super worn out and currently waiting for an ocean of laundry to finish washing/drying.  I'm also in the last week before finals, so I'll probably be cranky as I post.  If I'm unable to post everyday, I will at least do weekly updates about how the workouts are going, how I feel, and how the "diet" is going.  Otherwise...TTYL <3

Insanity <Link!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Brief Hiatus

In case you hadn't heard...I totally ate it at the gym and sprained my wrist.  Actually, the doctor said, "Your x-ray is clear, but you are so bruised and exhibiting so much pain in a certain area that I'm worried you'll knock your hand again and actually break the bone I'm looking at...so you need to wear this splint for ten days and we'll x-ray you again."

Thusly, I have not been participating in much of anything--though Brun and I did go swimming yesterday--because my mangled wrist is pretty limiting.  I've noticed my hand/arm gets really tired when I'm doing a lot of stuff with it:  I can't even wash my hair without getting tired or my wrist feeling painful.  But once I get this sucker off (hopefully Friday!), we'll get back on track.  In the mean time, please enjoy pictures of my injury and subsequent trip to SF Zoo for Liz's birthday!

Don't forget to check out Recipes...Bruno cooked something for me!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Few Days

Bruno *says* I'm doing well teaching him about swimming.  I'm a little skeptical.  We're kind of putting the whole awkward floating thing on the back burner for now and working on his kick, instead.  Being the slacker I am (I was busy, but I should have made time for it), I did not do the Week 2-Day 2 run today.  I'll have to make sure I do it tomorrow, even if it's after work.

There isn't a new post in Recipes this week, but I well be adding some minor wedding stuff once I'm done with this post, so go check out Wedding Spot.

Annnnnnd, since this is more to hold me responsible for completing my food log, here's the last couple days--though I'm sure it's completely uninteresting to you.

BTW I was sweating like super crazy after I did the Week 2 Day 1 run.  It's only an extra half-minute of running for each of the four cycles of  run+walk, but I was crazy overheated.  I was breathing fine and didn't feel like it was too hard, but I caught my reflection  (WHY MUST THERE BE MIRRORS EVERYWHERE IN THE GYM? I'M GETTING A WEIRD HABIT OF STARING MYSELF DOWN WHILE I RUN) and let's just say "hot mess" would not have been an understatement.

On the other hand, I also did that run after work (19:30ish) and so the gym was packed.  They guy doing some sort of actual interval workout on the treadmill next to me didn't have headphones and kept looking around.  And, I'm assuming because I looked like a winded walrus, he kept checking my screen to see what I was doing and seemed very proud of me every time I did the sprint section...he would do this half-nod of approval before pretending not to be looking at me again.  It was actually very encouraging.  Anyways:







And, before you even say it....I didn't eat breakfast today (Wednesday), because it was my day off and so I didn't have to get up until it was time for my 11:30 class, so I had brunch-ish kind of timed lunch.  Simmer down.  That's also why a turkey burger is listed as a "snack" lol.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Swimming, Swimming, in a Swimming Pool

Bruno went with me to 24Hour Fitness with a seven day pass to try out the pool.  And we discovered--he's terrible at floating!  So strange!  So we're going to have to figure out how to teach him to float better---his hips keep sinking, and I can't quite figure out how to explain "hips up!"

We swam around for about 45 minutes, so that was nice.   I made two things tonight, so make sure you check out Recipes!

I'm not really sure what to do about the food log...I'm using the "My FitnessPal" app, but there are some things I can't find or I'm not sure the name of so I have to substitute...especially since we had dim sum today.  There are a couple things more I'm sure I should have added--I'm positive I don't have a whole meal's worth of calories leftover today--but I have no idea what would even be similar enough to use as the log.  I suppose I'll just have to be careful to find workarounds from now on...


Saturday, February 23, 2013


I did not go to the gym today, which put me a bit over-budget in my food-tracking journal.  I suppose one bad day per week isn't too terrible.  Bruno said he'd go to the gym with me tomorrow--try out a seven day pass and maybe check out the pool (he is going to try that mini triathlon, remember?)--and that should be fun.  When Monday comes around, it would seem I'll be able to get on a proper track with my C25K app.  It looks as though the app has three workouts runs a week, and my early morning class is T/R, so running will fit perfectly on a MWF basis.  And because we went out to dinner--a super tiny place off Lawrence called Tasty Pizza--I will (promise!!) post something up in the recipe area for you on Sunday.